Comprehensive/Deep Network Penetration Test - Syscraft Co. Limited
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Comprehensive/Deep Network Penetration Test

External Penetration Testing

It is conducted on external or public facing network to identify vulnerabilities that are visible to outsiders at large. It is done from any remote location over the internet without any explicit access permissions to the organization’s network.

Internal Penetration Testing:

It is conducted on the internal network to identify vulnerabilities that are visible to potential insiders, contractors, partners with malicious intent. It is done at the vicinity of organization’s network with access permissions given to the attacker to show what risk is posed to information systems by organization’s employees, contractors and guests.

Syscraft network comprehensive penetration test provides your organization with a unique birds-eye view of your security system’s effectiveness. In Syscraft we do both External and Internal Penetration Testing. Automated penetration testing tools can be an invaluable part of your security toolkit. Network have become the #1 attack vector, and automated penetration testing tools can help to prevent the kind of security breach that brings negative headlines, legal headaches and significant financial damages.


  • Proof of exploited videos and screen shots
  • Increase the effectiveness of the security controls
  • False positive elimination through manual verification
  • Simulate as a hacker and provide a ‘Hacker’s eye-view’
  • As Security test consultants we are Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH)
  • Possess expertise in both open-source and commercial tools used for security testing

In Syscraft we dive deep to give you security you deserve.